In today's digital age, we spend countless hours in front of screens. IKYUM® Clarity Blueblocker Glasses stylishly minimize blue light exposure, enhancing your quality of life.

Blue light is everywhere

Blue light predominantly comes from sunlight, exposing us primarily during the day outdoors. However, artificial sources like LED lighting, mobile devices, tablets, and other screens also emit significant amounts of blue light.

IKYUM® Clarity Blue Blocker

Blue Light Overexposure Protection

Whether outdoors under the sun, indoors under artificial lighting, or using devices like screens, tablets, and phones, your eyes are continually exposed to both visible and invisible light radiation. IKYUM® Clarity Blueblocker lenses are engineered with a polymer that neutralizes all blue light below 420nm. While the blue light from screens is a fraction of that from sunlight, the extensive time we spend on devices raises concerns among eye health professionals about potential long-term effects. Currently, scientific evidence on the impact of blue light from devices on eye health is inconclusive. However, it is established that blue light can disrupt sleep by stimulating a specific hormone.

Visible wavelength

light spectrum

The color of light is determined by its energy and wavelength. The primary colors of light are red, green, and blue. Their combination results in white light. The visible spectrum, which includes violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red, produces the white light we see. In 1666, Isaac Newton showed that white light is composed of six colors, but added indigo to make seven, considering the number magical.

The human eye perceives light with wavelengths between 380 nm (blue) and 700 nm (red). Wavelengths outside this range are invisible to us.

INVISIBLE Ernergetic light

below 380nm

For eye health, the most concerning frequencies are below 380nm, in the ultraviolet (UV) range. These rays, invisible to the human eye, are high in energy and short in wavelength. UV rays are known to harm our eyes and skin, which is why sunglasses and sunscreen are crucial. On the other hand, infrared (IR) rays, which have wavelengths above 700nm, are less energetic than UV rays and are also invisible. Although IR rays produce heat, they don't alter our DNA like UV rays do. In sunlight, you feel IR rays as heat, but UV rays cause sunburns and damage skin. Radiation below 380nm is harmful to the eyes. Therefore, standards require sunglasses to block wavelengths below 400nm. Wearing sunglasses that meet these standards is essential. Tinted sunglasses without UV filters can be worse than no sunglasses, as the dilated pupils allow more UV rays to penetrate.

What about digital radiation

wavelengths of discord

Screens, LED bulbs, tablets, and smartphones emit visible blue light between 380nm and 500nm. While these devices emit less blue light than sunlight, the amount of time we spend on them raises concerns among health professionals about their long-term impact on eye health.

Further research is still needed to identify how much natural and artificial blue light from sunshine and digital devices is too much for the retina.

scientifically proven

Blue Ligh disrupts our sleep

There are concerns about the long-term effects of high-energy visible light exposure, with ongoing research to determine its impact on the human eye. Scientifically, it's established that blue light from screens can disrupt sleep by affecting hormone levels.

Most optical lenses absorb radiation up to 370nm. IKYUM® propose an optional BlueBlocker UV 410 filter to minimize potential risks.

READ MORE about IKYUM® Clarity

The Impact of Short-Wavelength Light


Short-wavelength light is particularly dangerous for the retina, potentially leading to early onset of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration or cataracts. While sunglasses frequently provide protection against both UV and blue-violet light, corrective eyewear typically does so only in exceptional cases..